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The Site of a "The Mindful Eye"
Photography Workshop
November, 2007
Savannah, GA

by Flo Deems
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Savannah, Georgia, skyline from Savannah River
Aerial photograph, courtesy of Wikipedia.
621.7 kb, 1172x774px or 1.41 mg, 2344x1548px

The Mindful Eye group (no longer in operation) sponsored a photography workshop titled "Foundations for the Emerging Photographer: The Camera, Natural Light, and Creative Vision" in Savannah, November 7-10, 2007. The photos on this website are ones that I took, fulfilling assignments and also for personal work.

Craig Tanner, Matt Gibson and Marti Jeffers spent four days instructing 16 of us in everything from basic camera settings (including camera bells and whistles) to the Zone System for color photography and Color Theory. Interspersed between these classroom instructions were field work sessions in Savannah's beautiful Historic District and on nearby Tybee island.

My photographer friends wanted to know why I would sign up for a basic workshop, since I've been photographing for years. I tend not to remember to check my basic shooting settings when I got caught up in the thrall of shooting an interesting subject. So at the very least I felt I needed reminded about doing this. Well, now I can tell my friends that I knew I'd learn a few things, and learn them I did, plus lots of other information I had no idea about.

Our first session covered f/stops, shutter speeds, ISO, histograms, white balance, aperture priority, shutter priority, manual mode, etc, etc. Then we went down to River Street and the waterfront. We had some assignments, based on our "expertise" or lack thereof. Some of the people were truly beginners; some were new to digital; some were intermediates - a real mixed bag. But Craig, Marti and Matt were up to the challenge and things proceeded smoothly. No one ever got bored, which is great.

Come with me on a tour of the historic areas of Savannah. All photos are mine, unless otherwise noted. These were made before, during and after the workshop.

To go to whichever sections interest you, please click on the names below.

Many thanks to the facilitators - Craig, Matt and Marti - and to all by fellow participants for the wonderful memories of our workshop time in Savannah.

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Things to See & Do in Savannah for Photographers

~ Savannah Portraits 1 and 2, and Squirrel Slideshows ~
~ Enlightened Metaphors ~
~ The Modern Evolution of Ellis Square ~

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Website design, text and images,

by Tone By Tone Dot Net

Photography Home Page

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